Frequently asked questions


How do I book?

You can book for general neurology and epilepsy by emailing:

How to prepare for your first visit?

Please make sure you have an available video camera and a microphone which works so we can have a seamless tele-session! If there are specific questions you want us to discuss, please feel free to email them to me prior to the appointment so I can have the information for you.

How is payment structured?

This will be discussed before scheduling your visit.

How are the visits structured?

All visits, except for follow up visits, are structured to be 60 minutes in duration. I will ask you questions pertaining to your history and then we will discuss my assessment and reach a comprehensive and tailored plan.

Prescribing medications and testing

For personalized epilepsy care, my role in your healthcare is that of a sub-specialty consultant. I will not be prescribing medications and tests, but I will make recommendations regarding lab testing, EEGs, medication adjustments and testing for your primary provider. With your consent, am happy to work with your primary care provider or neurologist in helping communicate those recommendations. The reason being I cannot prescribe medications unless I’m doing longitudinal follow up and lab monitoring.

How about follow ups?

Follow-ups are scheduled on an as needed basis.

Due to hospital privilege restrictions, I cannot do inpatient consults.

Insurance and disability paperwork

I do not fill out insurance or disability paperwork.