Cirriculum vitae
Santoshi Billakota m.d
Contact information: drbillakotamd@gmail.com
Education and Training
8/2008-3/2012 | MD | Doctor of Medicine | Ross University School of Medicine | Portsmouth, Dominica
6/2004-6/2008 | BS | Neuroscience | University of California,Los Angeles | Los Angeles, California
Certification and Licensure
10/2020 | Certification in Epilepsy
09/2017 | Certification in Clinical Neurophysiology
07/2016 | Certification in General Neurology
07/2020 | CBT certification: APT Accreditation, Level 2
Post-Graduate Training
07/2017-07/2018 | Fellow | Epilepsy | Columbia University Medical Center | New York, NY
07/2016-07/2017 | Fellow | Clinical Neurophysiology | Columbia University Medical Center | New York, NY
07/2013-07/2016 | Resident | Neurology | Duke University Medical Center | Durham, NC
07/2012-07/2013 | Intern | Internal Medicine | Duke University Medical Center | Durham, NC
Practice Experience
04/2023- Present | Neurohospital Medicine and Epilepsy | Vituity Healthcare | Emeryville, CA
07/2018-04/2023 | Clinical Assistant Professor| Neurology | NYUSOM| New York, NY
Professional society memberships
American Epilepsy Society
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
American Medical Writer’s Association
1. Bank AM, Billakota S, Bateman LM, Hamberger MJ, Cole J, McKhann GM, Feldstein N, Schevon CA. Electrically stimulated auras as a potential biomarker of the epileptogenic zone. Epilepsy Behav. 2021 Jun 14;122:108116. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2021.108116. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34139619.
2. Billakota S, Andresen JM, Gay BC, Stewart GR, Fedorov NB, Gerlach AC, Devinsky O. Personalized medicine: Vinpocetine to reverse effects of GABRB3 mutation. Epilepsia. 2019 Dec;60(12):2459-2465.
3. Billakota S, Devinsky O, Kim KW. Why we urgently need improved epilepsy therapies for adult patients. Neuropharmacology. 2020 Jun 15;170:107855.
4. Billakota, S., Devinsky, O., & Marsh, E. (2019). Cannabinoid therapy in epilepsy. Current opinion in neurology, 32(2), 220-226.
5. Billakota, S, Odom, N, Westwood, AJ, Hanna, E, Pack, AM, Bateman LM. “Sleep disordered breathing, neuroendocrine function and clinical SUDEP risk in patients with epilepsy.” Epilepsy & Behavior (in production)
6. Kamitaki, BK, Billakota, S, Pack A, Bateman L., "Addition of a hospital bedside sitter during intracranial stereotactic EEG monitoring improves safety and seizure responses in an adult epilepsy monitoring unit." Epilepsy & Behavior 86 (2018): 15-18.
7. Youngerman BE, Oh JY, Anbarasan D, Billakota S. et al. Laser ablation is effective for temporal lobe epilepsy with and without mesial temporal sclerosis if hippocampal seizure onsets are localized by stereoelectroencephalography. Epilepsia. 2018;00:1–12
8. Billakota S, Ruch, D, Hobson-Webb, L. Ultrasound Imaging of Median Nerve Conduit in a Patient With Persistent Median Nerve Symptoms. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology. 2018;35(1)
9. Billakota S, Sinha S. Utility of Continuous EEG Monitoring in Noncritically lll Hospitalized Patients. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology. 2016, 33(5):421–425
10. Nandedkar, S. D., Sanders, D. B., Hobson-Webb, L. D., Billakota, S et al, The extrapolated reference values procedure: Theory, algorithm, and results in patients and control subjects. Muscle Nerve, 2016, 57: 90–95
11. Dunn-Pirio AM, Billakota S, Peters KB. Postictal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Changes Masquerading as Brain Tumor Progression: A Case Series. Case Reports in Oncology. 2016;9(2):358362.
12. Billakota, S., Dejesus-Acosta, C., Gable, K., Massey, E. W. and Hobson-Webb, L. D. (2016), Ultrasound in EMG-Guided Biopsies: A Prospective, Randomized Pilot Trial. Muscle Nerve, 2014, 54: 786–788.
13. Billakota, S, Hobson-Webb, L. Standard median nerve ultrasound in carpal tunnel syndrome: A retrospective review of 1,021 cases. Clinical Neurophysiology Practice, 2017, Volume 2 , 188 -191
14. Billakota S, El-Husseini N. Pearls & Oysters: Polycythemia vera presenting with ischemic strokes in multiple arterial territories. Neurology 2014, 82 (20)
15. Billakota, Santoshi & Steriade, Claude & French, Jacqueline. (2020). Neurologic Manifestations of Systemic Disease: Seizure. Current Treatment Options in Neurology. 22. 33. 10.1007/s11940-020-00638-0.
*Contributing writer for: Healthline©, Eat this not that©, Business Insider©, Fifty Plus Health©, Men’s Health Magazine©, Yahoo Health©